Current Time: 7:38 PM (UTC _04:00)
Currency: East Caribbean Dollar (XCD) (1 USD = 2.7 XCD)
Languages: English
Telephone Dial Code: +1 784
Union Island is part of the nation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. It has a surface of 9 square kilometres (3.5 sq mi) and lies about 200 km (120 miles) west-southwest of Barbados and is within view of the islands of Carriacou and the mainland of Grenada, which lie directly south.Clifton and Ashton are the two principal towns. The island is home to just under 3,000 residents. The official language is English, but French and German are spoken by some merchants in Clifton as well. The island has an airport, Union Island Airport, which has domestic flights to Saint Vincent and some of the Grenadines and international flights to Barbados, Carriacou, Grenada and Martinique.