Current Time: 10:00 AM (UTC +03:00)
Currency: Turkish Lira (TRY) (1 USD = 36.63 TRY)
Languages: Turkish
Telephone Dial Code: 90
Alacahoyuk or Alaca Hoyuk (sometimes also spelled as Alacahuyuk, Aladja-Hoyuk, Euyuk, or Evuk) is the site of a Neolithic and Hittite settlement and is an important archaeological site. It is situated in Alaca, Corum Province, Turkey, northeast of Bogazkale (formerly and more familiarly Bogazkoy), where the ancient capital city Hattusa of the Hittite Empire was situated. Its Hittite name is unknown: connections with Arinna, Tawiniya, and Zippalanda have all been suggested.